/** javascript runtime environment.
* @author 闲耘 (HoToo)
* @author http://www.xianyun.org
* @create 2006-6-26
/** Browser object.
* @update 2006-6-17
* 2006-8-16 add isNetscape.
* @p.s. thanks robin pan and meizz.
window.Browser = {
isIE : (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') >= 0) && (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Opera') < 0),
isFirefox : navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') >= 0,
isOpera : navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Opera') >= 0,
isNetscape : navigator .userAgent.indexOf('Netscape') >= 0
/** window.classpath.
* @description using classpath to find classes.
* @update 2006-7-29
window.classpath = function (){
var _sc = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
var _cp = _sc[_sc.length - 1].getAttribute('classpath');
return (_cp == null) ? 'classes/' : _cp + '/';
* @description using classpath to find classes.
* @update 2006-7-29
window.classpath = function (){
var _sc = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
var _cp = _sc[_sc.length - 1].getAttribute('classpath');
return (_cp == null) ? 'classes/' : _cp + '/';
/** window._package()
* @description create the object for name space.
* @param packageName, string, like Java, using dot (.) replace solidus (/) with directory.
* @demo _package(' cn.hotoo.Obj') will create these object: cn, cn.hotoo, cn.hotoo.Obj
* @update <<2006-7-26
* @description create the object for name space.
* @param packageName, string, like Java, using dot (.) replace solidus (/) with directory.
* @demo _package(' cn.hotoo.Obj') will create these object: cn, cn.hotoo, cn.hotoo.Obj
* @update <<2006-7-26
window._package = function(packageName){
var ps = packageName.split('.');
for (var i = 0; i < ps.length; i++){
var _ps = ps[0];
for (var j = 1; j <= i; j++){
_ps += '.' + ps[j];
if (typeof(eval(_ps)) == 'function'){continue;}; // object is existed.
if (typeof(eval(_ps)) == 'undefined'){ // object.property == 'undefined'
eval(_ps + ' = new Function();');
eval(_ps + ' = new Function();'); // non object.
window._package = function(packageName){
var ps = packageName.split('.');
for (var i = 0; i < ps.length; i++){
var _ps = ps[0];
for (var j = 1; j <= i; j++){
_ps += '.' + ps[j];
if (typeof(eval(_ps)) == 'function'){continue;}; // object is existed.
if (typeof(eval(_ps)) == 'undefined'){ // object.property == 'undefined'
eval(_ps + ' = new Function();');
eval(_ps + ' = new Function();'); // non object.
/** from AtlasRuntime.js
* @create 2006-8-3
window._package = function(packageName){
var oRoot = window;
var ps = packageName.split('.');
for (var i = 0; i < ps.length; i++){
var curr = ps[i];
if (!oRoot[curr]){
oRoot[curr] = new Object();
oRoot = oRoot[curr];
/** window._import()
* @description dynamic load Javascript file at runtime.
* @param uri, string, like Java package name and class name. eg: 'org.xianyun.Obj'.
* @param classpath, string, if need a temporary classpath, set it;
* else, set null or non-string object to using default classpath.
* @param fCallback, function, when load javascript file successful, execute it.
* @p.s. the best version. 2006-7-26
* @description dynamic load Javascript file at runtime.
* @param uri, string, like Java package name and class name. eg: 'org.xianyun.Obj'.
* @param classpath, string, if need a temporary classpath, set it;
* else, set null or non-string object to using default classpath.
* @param fCallback, function, when load javascript file successful, execute it.
* @p.s. the best version. 2006-7-26
window._import = function(uri, classpath, fCallback){
var path = (typeof(classpath) == 'string') ? classpath : this.classpath;
var id = 'script_' + path.replace (/\//g, '_') + uri.replace(/\./g, '_');
var callback = function(script){
if (Browser.isIE){
script.onreadystatechange = function(){
if (script.readyState == 'complete' || script.readyState == 'loaded'){
if(typeof(fCallback) == 'function'){fCallback();};
}else if(Browser.isFirefox ){
script.onload = function(){
if(typeof(fCallback) == 'function'){fCallback();};
script.onerror = function(){
//alert('load error.');
}else{ // Opera 9.0 passed.
if(typeof(fCallback) == 'function'){fCallback();};
if (document.getElementById(id) != null){ // script tag is created.
}catch(e){ // scripts is not success loaded.
var _url = path + uri.replace(/\./g, '/') + '.js';
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.setAttribute('language', 'javascript');
script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
script.setAttribute('id', id);
script.setAttribute('src', _url);
window._import = function(uri, classpath, fCallback){
var path = (typeof(classpath) == 'string') ? classpath : this.classpath;
var id = 'script_' + path.replace (/\//g, '_') + uri.replace(/\./g, '_');
var callback = function(script){
if (Browser.isIE){
script.onreadystatechange = function(){
if (script.readyState == 'complete' || script.readyState == 'loaded'){
if(typeof(fCallback) == 'function'){fCallback();};
}else if(Browser.isFirefox ){
script.onload = function(){
if(typeof(fCallback) == 'function'){fCallback();};
script.onerror = function(){
//alert('load error.');
}else{ // Opera 9.0 passed.
if(typeof(fCallback) == 'function'){fCallback();};
if (document.getElementById(id) != null){ // script tag is created.
}catch(e){ // scripts is not success loaded.
var _url = path + uri.replace(/\./g, '/') + '.js';
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.setAttribute('language', 'javascript');
script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
script.setAttribute('id', id);
script.setAttribute('src', _url);
/** window._import()
* @description dynamic, batch or not load scripts at runtime.
* @param uris, array or string, if is array may like this:
* uris = [
* ['packagesName.className ', 'classpath/'], // %currentDirectory%/classpath/, must end with solidus (/).
* ['cn.hotoo.tools.Counter', null], // null or non-string, using default classpath.
* ['cn.hotoo.UI.Window.HTWindow ', ''] // current directory, do no start with solidus (/), if not, using root directory.
* ];
* @param classpath, string, the common classpath in this action of batch import.
* @param fCallback, function, after loaded all scripts, do this action.
* @p.s. excessive design. 2006-7-27
window._import = function(uris, classpath, fCallback){
var __import = function(uri, classpath, fCallback){
var path = (typeof(classpath) == 'string') ? classpath : this.classpath;
var id = 'script_' + path.replace(/\//g, '_') + uri.replace(/\./g, '_');
var callback = function(script){
if (Browser.isIE){
script.onreadystatechange = function(){
if (script.readyState == 'complete' || script.readyState == 'loaded'){
if(typeof(fCallback) == 'function'){fCallback();};
}else if(Browser.isFirefox || Browser.isNetscape){
script.onload = function(){
if(typeof(fCallback) == 'function'){fCallback();};
}else{ // Opera 8.0/9.0 passed.
if(typeof(fCallback) == 'function'){fCallback();};
if (document.getElementById(id) != null){ // script tag is created.
}catch (e){ // scripts is not success loaded.
return ;
var _url = path + uri.replace(/\./g, '/') + '.js';
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.setAttribute('language', 'javascript');
script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
script.setAttribute('id', id);
script.setAttribute ('src', _url);
if (typeof(uris) == 'string'){
__import(uris, classpath, fCallback);
}else if ( typeof(uris) == 'object'){
if (uris.length <= 0){return;};
var len = uris.length - 1;
if (typeof(uris[len][1]) == 'string'){ // using temporary classpath.
imp = '__import("' + uris[len][0] + '", "' + uris[len][1] + '", fCallback)';
}else if (typeof(classpath) == 'string'){ // using common classpath.
imp = '__import("' + uris[len][0] + '", "' + classpath + '", fCallback)';
}else{ // using default classpath.
imp = '__import("' + uris[len][0] + '", null, fCallback)';
for (var i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--){
if (typeof(uris[i][1]) == 'string'){
imp = '__import("' + uris[i][0] + '", "' + uris[i][1] + '", function(){' + imp + ';})';
}else if ( typeof(classpath) == 'string'){
imp = '__import("' + uris[i][0] + '", "' + classpath + '", function(){' + imp + ';})';
} else{
imp = '__import("' + uris[i][0] + '", null, function(){' + imp + ';})';